Sunday, March 24, 2019 - "Women and Leadership in the Bible"
Theme: Women and Leadership in the bible
Questions: How do we interpret the role of women in the Bible in modern day times?
Judges 4:3-5
Luke 24:1-11
Acts 16:11-15
Galatians 3:26-28
Hymns and Other Music
God, You Spin the Whirling Planets
Lord, Prepare Me
Your Grace Is All I Need
For Everyone Born
We All Are One in Mission
Further Exploration
Exodus 15:20-21
Matthew 1:1-17
Sermon Series
Exploring the Scriptures
March 31 - After Death
Question: What happens after death?
When it says we will be reunited with Jesus, will we still have our family of origins, our pets, etc…
April 7th - Relationship between God and Control
Question: If we all have our days numbered were all of those people put on the plane because their time came up on the same day?
Palm Sunday and Easter
April 14th - Palm Sunday - Life’s Messy Situations
April 21st - Easter - Embodying Hope
After Easter
April 28th - Holy Humor Sunday
May 5th - Special Music and Readings