Who Plans
Outreach - We encourage everyone to participate in activities such as: partnering with the Parent Resource Room at the Lafayette, Greet Worshipers on Sunday Mornings, Visitation groups upon request to visit homebound members, church cleanup days, exploring new ways of working with the community.
Deacons - Deacons are charged with caring for members of the church and do so numerous ways such as baskets for homebound members, college students, and military personnel. Visiting and setting up communion for those whom are homebound. Overseeing fellowship events like Advent by Candle and the Soup and Salad Luncheon. Making phone calls to all members of the church letting them know of upcoming events or important news.
Christian Education - The Christian Education Committee is responsible for providing opportunities for spiritual growth through Christian Education to all age groups within the church.
Worship - The Worship Committee works with the Pastor and Music Director to coordinate worship services and special events in celebration of God.