Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church

Sunday Worship @ 10:30am Online & In Person

Sunday, March 17, 2019 - "Forgive?"

Theme: Exploring Forgiveness

Questions: What does the Bible say when you question your faith, because you cannot totally follow the commandment of love and forgiveness?

What about the boundaries when someone uses forgiveness with you as a “get out of jail free card?”


Genesis 50:15-17

Matthew 18:21-35

Luke 23:32-35

Hymns and Other Music

As the Deer

O Lord My God

We Are Forgiven

As we Forgive

Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling

God Be with You Till We Meet Again

Sermon Series

Exploring the Questions

March 24th - Women and Leadership in the Bible

Question: How do we interpret the role of women in the Bible in modern day times?

March 31st - After Death

Question: What happens after death?

When it ways we will be reunited with Jesus, will we still have our family of origin, our pets, etc…..

April 7th - Relationship between God and Control

Question: If we all have our days numbered were all of those people put on the plane because their time came up on the same day?

Lincoln Park Presbyterian: Experiencing God's Abundant Love