Sunday, April 15, 2018 - "Opening Our Minds"
This Sunday began with no electricity (due to a storm) but in that we are shaken out of our routine so that we are more open to where the presence of Christ is in our lives.
Luke 24:36b-48
1 John 3:1-7
Hymns and Other Music
Step by Step
Thine Is the Glory
What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine
Come, Christians, Join to Sing
Reflection Questions
How often do you wish you were able to see Jesus?
Have you ever met someone that embodied the teachings of Jesus?
Have you ever been confused by an experience? What was your reaction?
What kind of light bulb moments have changed you?
How do you talk about your life changing experiences with others?
Bible Challenge
Young Disciples
How should the little children love? Clue: 1 John 3
How do we have boldness before God? Clue: 1 John 3