Palm Sunday, March 25, 2018 - "a hard rain"
Palm Sunday is a recognition of the mountaintops and the valleys in life, but when we face those valleys who do we belong to, who gets to define who we are?
Isaiah 50:4-9
Philippians 2:5-9
Hymns and Other Music
King of Kings
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
Comes the King
A Hard Rain's a Gonna Fall - by Bob Dylan and sung by Patti Smith
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name!
Reflection Questions
Do you take any time during the day for prayer or meditations? If so, how does it impact your day?
What does it mean to be human?
What does it mean to you to be a servant that stands strong?
What is the greatest struggle you have faced? What did you learn from it?
What does it mean to stand firm in God for you?
Bible Challenge
Young Disciples
How many chapters are in Acts?
What are they commanded to do? Clue: Acts 2
What is the message of peace? Clue: Acts 10