Sunday, November 4, 2018 - "Hopeful Freedom"
The story of Ruth offers us freedom in so many but what does it say when we are in the midst of grief or tragedy?
Ruth 1:1-18
Hymns and Other Music
As the Deer
To God Be the Glory
My Life Flows On
Celtic Communion
For All the Saints
Reflection Questions
How has losing someone you love changed you?
How do you support others when there has been a loss of any kind?
What does moving forward look like for you after a loss of some kind?
How have you been supported when experiencing loss of any kind and how did that experience impact you?
How hard is it to accept help from someone else?
Bible Challenge
Young Disciples
Who was Obed? Clue: Ruth 4
Who did Jesus say to beware of? Clue: Mark 12