Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church

Sunday Worship @ 10:30am Online & In Person

Sunday, January 14, 2018 - Listening

On this Sunday we delved into the question of How do we listen for God and what distracts us from listening. We welcomed some of the cast of The Honk Tonk Angels in worship this week.


1 Samuel 3:1-19

Reflection Questions

Who do you listen to in your life?

How do you discern when something is of God and when something is not?

Do you ever find it difficult to open yourself up to new things?

Have you ever learned something difficult that required an uncomfortable conversation?

How do you handle difficult conversations?

Hymns and other music

Step by Step

I, the Lord of Sea and Sky

I'll Fly Away

Take My Life

Angels Among Us

Will the Circle be Unbroken

Front Port Swing

Guide My Feet

Bible Challenge

Young Disciples

How many books come before Jonah? How many books come after? 

What does the king decree? (clue: Jonah 3)


What did Jonah petty? (clue: Jonah 4)

Lincoln Park Presbyterian: Experiencing God's Abundant Love