Episode 20 Priorities and Our Busy Lives
How do we even begin to have the conversation about our priorities when we have so many demands upon us?
Read MoreEpisode 19 Building Resilient Children: a conversation with Anna and Angela
A great discussion around trauma, resiliency, how children are changing, and how the entire community is vital to this work..
Anna and Angela are part of the Behavioral Specialist Team for Lincoln Park Schools.
Read MoreEpisode 18 - When We Lose Our Cool (aka $#!^)
Have we ever lost our cool, felt awful about it and then wondered why did it happen?
Read MoreEpisode 17 - Journeying through Sobriety: a conversation with George
George shares his experience and wisdom of life that developed during his journey through sobriety.
*Disclaimer: this episode does not offer medical or psychological advice and it doesn't promote Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
Read MoreEpisode 16 - Changing Mindsets - Changing Relationships
A discussion on examining our mindsets and the way we interact in our closest relationships so that they may grow deeper.
Read MoreEpisode 15 - Building Community: a conversation with Lincoln Park City Manager Matt Coppler
Have you ever wondered what it takes to build community?
Read MoreEpisode 14 - The Lies We Tell Ourselves
Do you ever lie to yourself and wonder if this is alright?
Read MoreEpisode 13 - Teenagers Today: a conversation with Haley
I had the amazing opportunity to sit down with one of the youth in church and talk about what it is like to be a teenager in today's world. She has some good wisdom. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.
Read MoreEpisode 12 - Exploring Inclusivity with Rev. Joanne Blair
Do we really know what it takes to be inclusive? Rev. Joanne Blair is at the forefront of an inclusive ministry with individuals and families who have all types of needs and abilities.
Read MoreEpisode 11 - Taking Stock of Our Values
How often do we contemplate what our actions say about our values?
Read MoreEpisode 10 - Navigating Life's Challenges: a conversation with Kathryn
We discuss Kathryn's journey of forgiveness and how her perspective changed personally, professionally, and spiritually.
Read MoreEpisode 9 - Grace vs. Consequences
The conundrum of consequences when we talk about grace.
Read MoreEpisode 8 - Interview with Renee Roederer, Community Chaplain for Nones and Dones
What happens when we start making connections that transcend particular ways of thinking?
Books mentioned in this episode
Choosing Our Religion: The Spirituality of America’s Nones by Elizabeth Drescher
Church Refugees by Joshua Packard and Ashley Hope
Episode 7 - Needing Connection
In a world of distractions what connections are we losing?
Read MoreEpisode 6 - Deliverance
What in your life has made you want deliverance from it? What would deliverance look like for you?
Read MoreEpisode 5 - An Interview with Ellen on Creating Peace
How many of us would like to live more peacefully? How many of us could use more strength?
In today's episode I had the joy of interviewing Ellen, a gardener, who is able to draw strength and peace from the world around her.
Episode 4 - The Change that Feeds US
Change is inevitable so how do you usually face it? How is change and being uncomfortable connected?
Episode 3 - Never Enough
Have you ever felt like you were never enough? Have you ever questioned your value?
Episode 2 - Respect vs. Accountability
How do we respect yet be accountable for ourselves and with others?